The Power of a Clean Slate

The Real Secret to Letting Go of the Past and Embracing the New

How to Let Go of Past and Start New in the New Year

“Your new life is going to cost you your old one.” -Brianna Wiest

The first time I heard those words, I’ll admit I was gobsmacked. It literally gave me pause. I dropped deep within myself and felt something stirring within me.

What’s the price tag on your past year? Are there moments that won’t stop refreshing themselves, like a browser window that won’t close no matter how many times you click the little “X” in the upper tab?

What’s keeping you from leaving it all behind and going all in on the new?

If you feel stuck or frozen or unable to even THINK about changes, chances are there’s a reason for it: A part of you has an unmet need for your attention, your validation, and your kindness.

If that’s the case for you, consider this a perfect occasion for taking a deep breath and offering some self-compassion. It’s okay to feel more than one way about a new horizon.

And maybe changing the calendar year is a deeply welcome sigh of relief. You’re SO ready to finally write a different number on a fresh page in a new calendar book.

No matter where you land in the scope of a new year, know this:

Bringing your whole self to the table means you’ve got more skin in the game. And THAT means no matter how messy or complicated or whatever the new year may feel, this clean slate is one more step into this beautiful birthright called your life.


Upside Down is the New Metamorphosis.


Stop Second-Guessing Yourself: Part Two